A total of 23 patients with aphasia caused by acute cerebrovascular diseases were examined continuously for 8 weeks. 对23例急性脑血管病所致的失语患者进行连续8周的失语检查。
Method: a total of 84 cerebral apoplexy patients with aphasia were divided into 3 groups randomly. [方法]将84例脑卒中失语病人随机分为3组,集体强化组(30例)给予集体语言强化训练;
A total of 11 cases of complications occurred postoperatively, including 3 cases of intracranial infection, 2 cases of hemiparalysis, 1 case of hydrocephalus, 3 cases of frontal lobe mental symptoms, 1 case of intraventricular hematoma and 1 case of nominal aphasia. 术后并发症11例:颅内感染3例,偏瘫2例,脑积水1例,额叶精神症状3例,脑室内血肿1例,命名性失语1例;